Friday, April 17, 2009

Sun Valley trip

Trevor had a big IFT conference in Sun Valley at the end of March and James and I got to go. We had a great time. While Trevor worked, James and I played and then we all got to play at the end of the day. They had this awesome outdoor swimming pool that was heated and it was beautiful there......COLD, but beautiful. They also had really expensive stores where I could have spent a whole paycheck on one item....needless to say we did not buy anything. Friday night, they had supplier's night with lots of different booths. Each gave away prizes. Sargento cheese was there and Trevor won the big Sargento semi-truck that looks like a big piece of swiss cheese. James loves it!

The pool! When it's really cold, you can hardly see from one side of the pool to the other because of all the steam. We liked it A LOT.
fixin to go swimmin!

1 comment:

Jarom said...

Those are cute shorts!