Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Happy Birthday James!!

James turned 1 on Friday!! Happy Birthday James. I also have videos, but I can't seem to get them to work. We had a pretty good day. He enjoyed pulling the paper off his presents and liked the birthday cards he got. A week before his birthday, Grandma and Grandpa Grunig, Mindy and Beau, and Lexi came up.


Sarah said...

Happy Birthday, James!! It looks like he had a great day!

Lemme said...

wow!! he has a perfect combination of your guyses features!!! SO CUTE!!!

Jennifer Lyn said...

I can't believe he is one! Wow! That went really fast. Happy Birthday James! We miss you!

Cindy said...

He looks just like Trevor in the picture of both of them! He always looks so HAPPY!