Friday, June 13, 2008


Today James is 4 months old. It is hard to believe that he has been here for that long, it has been a wonderful 4 months!

He loves having his tongue out--I think he wants to be like Great Grandpa Brown who sticks his tongue out a lot when he does stuff. I think thats who it is.

In other news or other pictures. Trevor is in Scouts, this past weekend they went on a 50 mile raft trip. It got cut a day short because the water was too crazy and it was too cold, but here he is all arrayed in his scout uniform.

I can't quite figure out how to place the pictures where I want them. I'll have to work on that. Also the text is a little bit goofy.

One other set of pictures for today. In our front yard, we have a vine that has a couple of flowers blooming, so here they are. I think they are BEEEAUTIFUL!

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